Hardness of Granite Natural Stone

Choosing the right granite stone depends on several factors, and one of the most important is its strength. Every natural stone has a strength rating, known as its Mohs hardness. This rating measures how hard and strong the mineral is.

When it comes to natural stones, granite stands out for its impressive hardness. Its durability makes it a top choice for many buyers, helping them make a confident and well-informed decision.

When it comes to classifying a natural stone (granite), before making a purchase, stone buyers like to focus on the relative granite hardness to know how hard a stone is in comparison with other natural stone products like marble, sandstone, slate, limestone, and quartzite. Thanks to the German geologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs for developing the Mohs Hardness Scale in 1812. This scale has 10 levels (1-10).

How is Hardness Rated? 

The hardness of any mineral is rated on a 1 to 10 scale called the Mohs scale. This scale was invented by German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1812 and ranks minerals based on their ability to scratch or sustain scratches. A ranking of 1 means the mineral is very soft, while a ranking of 10 means it is very hard.

What is the Hardness of Granite? 

Granite is a pretty tough material, ranking 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means it’s strong and durable. Granite is made mostly of quartz and feldspar, with smaller amounts of other minerals mixed in. One way to see how hard granite is: a knife blade can’t scratch its surface. In fact, because granite is so hard, it can scratch softer stones like marble, which have lower hardness ratings.

Where Do Popular Stone Countertop Options Rate on the Mohs Scale?

The table below lists where some of the most popular stone countertop options rank on the Mohs scale. 

Stone Countertops: Mohs Scale Rankings




2.5 to 4


3 to 4


3 to 4


4 to 5


6 to 7


Granite remains a top choice in construction and design because of its incredible durability and wide range of colors. Its toughness comes from its mineral makeup, which includes quartz, feldspar, and mica. These minerals not only give granite its unique look but also make it extremely strong.

Granite is hard to damage, which is why it’s often used in busy areas or places that need to last a long time. On the Mohs scale, which measures how easily something can be scratched, granite scores between 6 and 7. This means it’s very resistant to scratching. Its hardness also makes it a great choice for countertops, floors, and other surfaces that see a lot of use.

The variety of colors and patterns in granite comes from its mineral content, making every piece one of a kind. Knowing these details can help you pick the right granite for your needs, whether you’re focusing on looks, strength, or both. Thanks to its beauty and durability, granite continues to be a favorite for those who want something that’s both stylish and long-lasting.

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Everything You Need To Know About Leathered Granite Slabs

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Different granite finishes and their applications


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